Android Lollipop for Samsung Galaxy S5 arrives in UK

The Samsung Galaxy S5 owners in the UK have started getting the Android Lollipop 5.0. Initially the update was released in Poland and then to Spain and now finally reached UK. Before Samsung only Nexus and Motorola devices received the update. But still the update was late considering Samsung promised it to bring in December.

Samsung is likely to have gone with the Android 5.0 update to prevent any further delays to its customers receiving the new operating system. A further update to Android 5.0.1 will occur a few months afterwards.

Samsung’s new firmware does more than just upgrade the underlying operating system. The fingerprint sensor has also been improved because of a new driver, and the Note 4’s lock screen has also been brought over to the Galaxy S5.

Have you received Android 5.0 Lollipop for your Galaxy S5? If so, please let us know.

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