There are so many different options and ways with which you can better get an idea about how you can easily convert HEIC to PDF. But among all such options, we will be highly recommending you to make the use of online converter tools which are best to quickly convert your files in just a few minutes or even seconds.
There are no hard and fast rules which you need to imply on for converting HEIC to PDF. Just select a file, upload it and choose your conversion format and you will be all done with it. Let’s help you to know about the top 3 best ways to convert your HEIC file into PDF file format.
1. Using Apowersoft to Convert HEIC to PDF
The first method which we would like to talk about is Apowersoft! This converter tool is working as a desktop version with which you can easily have all your files and folders be converted into the required file format without any hassle. This tool has readily become so much popular among the professionals in which it is offering simple and friendly features for quick file conversion.
As you will start using this tool, you will find the access of drag-and-drop in which you can have all the folders and files be converted in just a few minutes. Plus, with the help of this tool, you will be allowed to bring some changes in the quality of your image resolution before you start the process of conversion.
Here we will explain a guided tutorial for you to convert HEIC to PDF:
- First of all, open the download option so you can start the running process of your converter program.
- Now it’s time to add all those files which you wish to easily convert. You can add the files in the converter tool by clicking on the option “add files”. You do have a choice in which one file or either more than two files can also be included.
- For starting the conversion you have to click on the option of “Start Converting”.
- At last, finally, you will be having your full converted file available in the output folder
2. Using 2PDF.com to Convert HEIC to PDF
Next, let’s talk about the topmost leading converter tool which is 2pdf.com! This tool is the topmost recommended tools when it comes to the conversion of PDF files or folders. The reason why this tool is becoming so much popular is all because of its simple and friendly interface. Both the professionals and beginners make the high-level use of this tool for the easy and quick conversion of their files or folders.
Here we will explain a guided tutorial for you to convert HEIC to PDF:
- You have to, first of all, select the particular HEIC file and then you have to drag it into the page.
- Choose the format of PDF or any other format in which you want your file to get converted. This tool allows you to convert your file in more than 50 supported formats.
- Next, select the page orientation or the page size options if it is necessary.
- It will probably take a few seconds to have your file converted. You can either download it or can also get exported into Google Drive or Dropbox.
3. Using Zamzar to Convert HEIC to PDF
Lastly, we have the tool of Zamzar which is another top of the best tools which will help you to know how to convert HEIC to PDF. If you are using this tool then you need to make sure that you are already having the highest speed of internet connection. It has a friendly interface and simple features which makes it top-recommended among both beginners and professionals. Converting your file with this tool is so much fun and quick.
The best thing which you will fully admire about this tool has been its access to converting two files at one time. But for the conversion of two files, you have to follow some pages limitations. It is a free tool and can also work without internet access.
Here we will explain a guided tutorial for you to convert HEIC to PDF:
- Open the website URL of the Zamzar conversion tool.
- Select the file which you want to convert by clicking the “Add files” option. You do also have an option in which you can also insert the URL link so you can easily convert any of the images which are part of the URL.
- Choose the option of PDF format for converting the file.
- Click on the "Convert Now" option which is in your checkbox. You will be getting the converted file in your email address for downloading.